Lincoln Borough will host a flea market for residents only to sell their unwanted treasures on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 9 am -2 pm.
Location: 4312 Liberty Way (Lincoln Fireman's Social Hall)
Set up time: 8:00 am
Cost for outside: Outside free, up to two tables provided per household. No registration is necessary for outside. You can bring small pop-up tents, up to two, and your own tables are welcome.
Cost for inside: $5.00 donation per table while the room is available. You must register for inside tables at the Borough office by calling 412-751-2655.
We ask that no food be sold except baked goods.
Any questions call the office at 412-751-2655
Location: 4312 Liberty Way (Lincoln Fireman's Social Hall)
Set up time: 8:00 am
Cost for outside: Outside free, up to two tables provided per household. No registration is necessary for outside. You can bring small pop-up tents, up to two, and your own tables are welcome.
Cost for inside: $5.00 donation per table while the room is available. You must register for inside tables at the Borough office by calling 412-751-2655.
We ask that no food be sold except baked goods.
Any questions call the office at 412-751-2655